Not Alone

Solitude: a lonely place, the state of being alone.

Lately this has so been on my heart. Watching my girls or the women around me try and navigate friendships—myself included—has brought one word to mind over and over...lonely.

Friends, the enemy wants to rewrite our truth. Through silent phones, busy friends, unreturned texts, or even the perception via social media that we’re “left out”, our enemy wants us to believe we are alone.

And, oh, I’m not minimizing the fact that sometimes people do leave us out. Sometimes our lives are silent. Sometimes loneliness does settle in—but we are NEVER alone. God is always, always, always there.

I’m praying for those facing loneliness today. That God makes himself known to you. And I’m challenging all of us to reach out to someone today with a smile, a text, or a phone call. Sometimes the smallest action can change someone’s entire day.


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