I’m just a girl from the Midwest who loves Jesus. And while that one sentence is what best describes me, there are other loves He’s woven into me that make me … well, me :)
I was born and raised in the Midwest and I love it here. Though I do grumble about the snow, I adore having four seasons and nothing beats fall.
I’ve known my Hubby since junior high, and we were best friends before we fell in love. I highly recommend that route! We have three amazing children who I homeschooled, and they are now launching into adulthood. I really don’t know where time went so quickly, but while I miss their little faces and voices, I LOVE who they are becoming. Bittersweet has defined parenthood for me.
I’m crazy about my dog, Finley. He’s supposed to be the family dog, but let’s be honest, he’s mine:) I highly recommend a dog for moms traveling through these middle-age years. We’re having to let go of parents and children all at the same time, so it’s nice to have something to cuddle in the process. Bonus, he keeps me moving—which I need to walk off my cookie addiction.
Because yes, I love cookies! All sizes. All flavors. Soft. Crispy. Plump. Gooey. Just call me Cookiemonster.
Or Bookiemonster, because I love books too:) I’ve been an avid reader for longer than I can remember, and that reading bug turned into a writing one. I won my first writing contest at six years old and never looked back. But more about my affection for books and writing in a moment.
I also love plants and flowers, but I possess a black thumb. I love cardigans and shoes, but I loathe shopping. I love people, but detest crowds. I am an introvert who doesn’t always like being alone. I’m creative enough to write a story, but was terrible at playing make-believe with my kiddos. I’m a pessimist who’s filled with hope. And all of this simply makes me say, don’t we have an awesome God who can make us such intricate people?!
And that’s what I love to bring into my stories. Flawed and complex characters finding hope … and love:) Yep. I write contemporary romance because to me, God is the biggest romancer of all. He pursues us, and I am forever grateful of that fact because He’s changed my life in so many ways. The freedom, love, and grace I’ve received from Him can’t help but overflow from me, and I’m awed that He’s woven writing into my very own story. So for as long as I can, I’ll keep writing and I’ll keep telling people about Him <3
A friend captured this moment without me knowing. I was in Israel, sitting on Temple Mount and looking out to the cross (between those trees) marking Golgotha, the spot where Jesus was crucified. Oh, how He loves us.