My Jelly Donut Life

Ever feel like you’re stuck in the middle? Like the room moves around you, but you don’t have a spot to sit? Like people wave and say hi, but then pair up with other friends? Or perhaps you see where you’re at with your career, and you can never really achieve the next level while others around you are moving up every day. There’s so many reasons we can feel stuck in the middle, not quite at the bottom any more but never quite reaching the top. And it can mess with out minds, and our hearts.

But here’s the thing with our positioning...our spots. God has us spread all over the place so we can reach people all over the place. Each and every spot has its importance and if you ask him, he'll show you. He did with me. See, I confess I have struggled with feeling like I’m stuck in the middle, but God decided to start working with me on it, showing me that he had me right where he wanted me. Not only did he reveal how my heart and eyes changed to see others in the same position, but as I sat complaining about being a “middler” he whispered, “Just like the jelly in a donut, you’re right in the sweet spot.”

No lie. He compared me to a jelly donut.

I so love a God who brings it home to us in such relatable terms—plus he had me giggling. And that’s just it. God loves us that much. He doesn’t see our lives in levels, he sees them in all the sweetness with which he created us. He sees the purpose and the position he created us for. Each of us unique. Each in a spot best situated to reach people for him—if we stop fighting it and let him use us.

So where does God have you? And are you content with it?


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